{Before & After} – updated dresser
last updated: June 25, 2012
35% OFF our September Color of the Month!
last updated: June 25, 2012
And the “Worst Blogger of the Year Award” goes too….Sausha @ Sweet Pickins!!
Im so sorry for taking such a long break!! It was my full intention to post more often, but you guys know how it is and life gets in the way! I could seriously post at least once a day with new furniture pieces that are in and out of the shop – but i just havent had the time to take the pics, edit and the write a post – i LOVE my job, but the whole “behind the scences” computer stuff is way time consuming!! My blog re-design was done clear back in January and i still havent updated the tabs!!
And emails are a whole other story! I honestly dont know how bloggers do it! I get so many questions each day that i just cant get to each of them and unfortunately they get pushed back – sorry if you are waiting on a response from me, i will try my best to get to them.
Anyways – enough whining. I know we are all busy and in not complaining – i guess i would rather have more on my plate than nothing at all!! I sometimes just feel like i need to explain my self, i love having this blog and all the awesome things and people that it has brought into my life. And i truly appreciate that people would even ask me for advice and all the sweet comments and emails i get – i still cant get over that!! You guys are awesome.
Ok – on to a dresser that i did recently for Camilla @ First Lady of the House. She contacted me a while back because she found an awesome dresser and wanted to add some color to her neutral family room. And im IN LOVE with the color that she chose!
Isnt the color awesome!! I love it, its so fun!
The glaze really brought out the details in the floral design
I had lots of fun painting this dresser. Not that i dont love neutral colors, but its so much fun painting a bold color and i love that Camilla was willing to take a risk! And although this green is bold – its not “in your face” – know what i mean?!
Primer – SW multi purpose primer tinted to a brown
Paint – SW Dill
Glaze – SW Van Dyke Brown oil based glazed
Clear Coat – SW Wood Classics in a gloss finish
Hardware – original hardware updated with a oil rubbed bronze spray paint
For over 49 years, The Old-Fashioned Milk Paint Company has been faithfully producing a genuine Milk Paint as close as possible to the old primitive, home-made paint made on the back porch.