{Google Friend Connect Going Away} – MUST READ!
last updated: February 01, 2012
35% OFF our September Color of the Month!
last updated: February 01, 2012
Has everyone heard the news? Google Friend Connect will no longer be available for non Blogger blogs as of 3/1/12?
With my new design, i switched over to WordPress. So this means if you dont resubscribe to my blog in some other way, i will loose ya! I dont want that to happen!
This also means, any other blogs you are following via Google Friend Connect that are not through Blogger, you will loose their posts as well!
So, we have removed the normal “follow me” box from my sidebar so that wont be an option anymore, i’ve had a few emails about how to sign up for my blog since the switch.
You can still follow along by-
1. Google reader (or there are many options for other readers) by clicking on the RSS feed icon on my sidebar under the “connect” tab – its the one that looks like a rainbow.
2. You can sign up to get all my posts sent directly to your email, that option is on under the “subscribe” tab
3. You can follow me on Facebook
4. OR my new favorite way to follow my favorite blogs, is through BLOGLOVIN. Its very simple and easy to use. Under the “subscribe” tab is an option for that.
So, whatever you do you better get on it! Remember as of 3/1/12 you will loose my site and probably lots of other ones if you have signed up through Google Friend Connect.
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